How to forget a Bad Memory: 5 useful tips

By Navistha Vashist - November 16, 2020

 How to forget a bad memory

Had a terrible part memory? Can't move on? 

Though we have the ability to forget and to move on from bad things, for the people who'd experienced trauma and had a terrible past. Such as Domestic, Mental, or Sexual abuse. Not at all memories can go or be forgotten by the time, some have a really bad effect! 

When trauma happens, the way the mind remembers an event is altered. These memories can create vivid involuntary memories that enter consciousness causing the person to re-experience the event. These are known as flashbacks, and they happen in PTSD and Complex PTSD.

NOTE: Scientists have discovered drugs that could erase bad and fearful memories from the mind of a person. We can easily control our minds if we want to, But I prefer self-heal. 

I believe that you should let go of the past. It's alright. Everyone has a bad & unforgettable memory or past. It can lead to Depression or Brain Damage! 

So, without any further ado let's start, 

1. Stay Busy:- 

Staying busy is a great way to fight the negative emotions and stay positive while being busy. When our plans are in progress, we feel hopeful and motivated. When we're busy, we don't have time to dwell on feelings of worry, sadness, loneliness, anger, or jealousy, which can be a very good thing.

2. Hang out with friends and family:- 

Hanging out or spending time with your loved ones gives you energy, positivity, love, and hope. It also makes you busy and doesn't give you enough time to think about your past and negative things and at the same time, you are enjoying & loving your every moment and life! Research shows that spending time with friends and family makes a big difference when it comes to happiness. Social time is especially important for happiness. So, while money can't buy you happiness, spending time with your loved ones, is an excellent choice. 

3. Talk to a Therapist:-

You can talk to a Therapist about your past and ask for suggestions if you can't just let go of the past. This is also very effective and helpful to forget your bad memory. Talking to a Therapist can play an important role in treating many emotional and mental health conditions such as depression. According to a new study, even a few sessions with a therapist can lower the risk of suicide among at-risk individuals.

4. Talk to your family or friends:- 

You can also talk to your family or friends about what happened and what should you do? This may help you as well. You can feel eased and happy after sharing it with someone. A family system helps every one of its members through the good and the bad times. When a family communicates well, everyone understands what loved ones need, making them better able to provide support. Even if nothing can be done about the situation, just providing a listening ear can make all the difference. Communication within the family is extremely important because it enables members to express what is concerned with each other. It is through communication that family members can resolve unavoidable problems. Many studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with others are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.

5. Be Happy:-

The fundamental reason why happiness is so important is that it's extremely vital to our own goals in life and can help us achieve many other cherished personal ambitions and goals. Also, by being happy, we have the potential to change many other lives just by being ourselves. So, it is very important as well to stay happy & cheerful. 

Thank you for reading the blog post!


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