World's No Tobacco day 2021

By Navistha Vashist - May 30, 2021

“Let us make sure that tobacco is not able to take any more lives by making this world free from it. Warm wishes on World No Tobacco Day.”                                                             

World's No- Tobacco Day is celebrated on the 31st of May every year to spread attention and awareness about how toxic tobacco is for our state and hence we should not consume it. World Health Organization (WHO) states that tobacco causes 8 million death every year. Each year, world's no tobacco day identifies a different theme. In 2021, the theme is 'Commit to quit' this campaign energizes people to resign from tobacco for a better life. Tobacco is an extensively used abusive substance. 

Disease caused by Tobacco, 

Tobacco is very unhealthy for our health. Smoking tobacco can bring many diseases like lung cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, heart disease, it also harms the DNA of a person that can lead to Cancer- leukemia & mouth cancer, cataracts, and pneumonia. The chemical which is present in the tobacco is detrimental as well, they cause cell damage, inflammation. Smoking also gives rise to difficulty for diabetic patients to control their blood & sugar, they have an increased threat of kidney disease, peripheral arterial disease, eye disease even nerve damage that can arise amputations, poor vision, or at worse blindness.

How does Tobacco impact you? 

Submission to tobacco smoke is havoc on our blood vessels. Tobacco is brought about by the tobacco plant and the chemical added to it are Nicotine, Ammonia, Lead, Hydrogen cyanide, and Formaldehyde. These chemicals are hazardous to health and hence they injure the soft lining of the lungs and the effect is it diminishes the proficiency to exchange air efficiently of the lungs. White blood cell which is also recognized as soldiers of the body is existing in an increased amount to react to injuries, damages, and cancer. They frequently battle against the pains caused by tobacco. Consumption of Tobacco also makes it tougher to avoid the growth of tumors.

Is Tobacco addictive? 

Yes, Tobacco includes Nicotine (it is the chemical that contains nitrogen and is found in tobacco plants) which is highly addictive. Due to this chemical, people find it impossible to ceasing smoking. Whenever a person who is addicted to tobacco attempts to quit smoking, he may have these indications. 

  • irritability
  • difficulties paying attention
  • trouble sleeping
  • enhanced appetite
  • powerful cravings for tobacco

Nicotine raises dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that is associated with pleasure and reward in the brain. Tobacco has both psychological & Physiological consequences and addiction. 

Why do people smoke tobacco?

There are numerous justifications but the major reason are- to relieve stress, feel pleasure, Maximum people undertake smoking at a youthful and young age (as per the research) and the explanation given by teens is generally Peer Pressure and to look steady or appear cool among their friends.

History of No Tobacco Day? 

The World's Health Organisation passed a resolution on the 7th of April in 1988 as "World's No Smoking Day". Just for one day, this act was passed to motivate and enable people to quit smoking and take up a healthier and happier life. Later that year, WHO passed another resolution for the "World's no tobacco day" and it will be observed on the 31st of May every year. Due to this act passed in 1988, WHO banned and prohibited all the advertisements related to the promotion and publicity of tobacco in 2008. 

Varieties of Tobacco:- 

There are more ways to use tobacco. Let us learn about each of them. There is no cautious way to use tobacco, all the types or alternative of tobacco is destructive in some or other way. Such kind of product contains the chemical Nicotine which is lethal. 

  1. Bidis- in India, bidis are small, thin, and rolled cigarettes. They have tobacco wrapped up in tendu leaf and are safeguarded by a string or thread. They either can be flavored or may not be flavored.
  2. Cigarette- they are also consisting of tobacco which is finely chopped and nicotine is used as well the regular cigarette includes about 10 mg to 12 mg of Nicotine. Even though a person won't inhale every milligram as it burns but still inhales 1.1 to 1.8 mg of nicotine which is dangerous enough to your health! 
  3. Dissolvable Tobacco- Dissolvable Tobacco is also a type of tobacco that is finely processed to dissolve on the tongue. This product as well contains Nicotine.
  4. E-cigarettes- it is an electronic cigarette that is a battery-powered one. It also contains Nicotine, flavor, and chemicals. 
  5. Hookah- hookah is a pipe used to smoke. It is a combination of tobacco and heated fruits or vegetables and also smoke is filtered through water. Hookah is not safe either. Hookah caused many diseases as well.

Also, I want to clarify that, It's never too late to discontinue and quit smoking. Even in deceased life, one can quite lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer over time and diminish your threat of casualty. Scientist explains that "Your lungs have a nearly "magical" capacity and skill to repair some of the devastations resulted in by smoking - but hardly if you stop".

Also read- Smoking is injurious to health

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  1. Anonymous5/30/2021


  2. Anonymous5/31/2021

    This is very a good and Infomative blog post. Those who think smoking is 'fun' with friends, they don't know how dangerous it is for their health!

  3. Super awesome!! Your blog will inspire others. Keep it up my dear friend ❤️💕

  4. Everyone knows smoking is injurious to health & yet smoker don't follow . Maybe not this time after reading your pinned Meaningful views.
