Time for a gender debate!

By Navistha Vashist - January 20, 2022

Gender controversy has constantly been a matter across the world, are men or are women superior?

"Gender equality is not a women's issue, it is a human issue because it influences all!" 

Women and men both are equal and balanced, they're equally strong, equally important, equally worthy, and face equal struggles, instruct me if this is the case, then why aren't there equal rights, equal responsibility, and equal opportunities? Gender Equality is our human fundamental right! One makes culture, culture doesn't make one. God has created and sent both men and women to the earth to share the pleasures and griefs of life equally, to share his blessing, and to enjoy the bounty of nature equally. Life is almost unthinkable without both women and men, then why discriminate against anyone based on gender? not only gender but race, caste, religion, creed, and color. 

It is a period, we understand and start accepting and respecting people around us. But often easier said than done! Let us understand the struggles of both men and women first rather than jumping immediately to conclusions. 

What are the issues men face in their lives? 

- see, not only do women face struggles and hurdles but also men. 

1. They are unable to convey their feelings; their emotions and femininity:-

Men frequently conceal and don't express or share feelings, many of them are generally dejected to do so. They're being told to "Man Up", "don't cry, real men, don't cry" but the reality is "Real men are NOT afraid of portraying themselves freely" the stereotypes make it harder because according to it Men are tough and they should not share their feelings and struggles to anyone. Crying is always been misunderstood as an indication of 'weakness' but that is certainly a lie. Exhibiting your true feelings is a sign of  'strength'. 
Men are always anticipated to be masculine and not feminine ever. It is deemed problematic and improper if somebody shows the characteristics of 'opposite gender'  why can't you be a genuine man if you possess feminine qualities? 

2. Anxiety of workplace:- 

Men are more stressed at the workplace rather than women because again those expectations come in the way! Men are predicted to look after all the financial principles and sectors. This is the gender divide, isn't it? Society looks forth if a man buys a nice house, earns a lot of money, marries a pretty lady, has children, and works for his family. The pressure they face is commonly related to wages, mistakes, career progression, and lastly personal development.

3. Rapes does happen:-

Some people yet don't get it! Gender stereotypes consider rape or sexual harassment happens only with females. Sexual violence against men is more common than we ever guessed! Society thinks men cannot be overpowered, "why didn't you hit back?", "How could you be victimized by a woman?" This is the time we understand, that if a man has to go through such awful possibilities, it is NOT AT ALL because he is weak! The previous year the National Crime Victimization Survey turned up a remarkable statistic. In asking 40,000 homes about rape and sexual violence, the questionnaire disclosed that 38 percent of happenings were against men.

4. Behaviour expectations:-

Men should be physically strong.
Men shouldn't be expressive. 
Men shouldn't cry. 
Men should be the financial stand for the family. 
Men should be demanding. 
Men should be experienced. 

Why? Why do we need so much? not only from men but also from women; from anyone. We have set such barriers, who are we to tell individuals what to do. There's a popular saying, "live and let live"

5. That if a woman is hitting a man, he presumably deserves it:-

There are many cases where men are falsely accused, to take some sort of vengeance by a woman and if one sees a woman hitting a man, it is because he did something that he deserved. This does not make any sense. Nonentity deserves to be treated in such a way. Being accused and penalized for something that you didn't even do, is the worst experience ever. For men falsely accused to or by legislation enforcement, around 30% are untrue allegations. Men falsely accused of rape but not recorded to police rather used to terrify him. The man she accused is the sufferer, the victim.

What are the issues women face in their lives? 

Discrimination against women (if speaking about gender equality) is a very common thing and it is still arising, there still exist people who become sad if a girl child is born and hesitates to give her adequate education and thinks girls and women are meant to be in the kitchen. 

1. Not provided with education:-

Educate a girl not for society's initial or the advancement of the society but herself so that she can make her conclusion, stand for what is being done wrong, and defend herself and her precious ones around her! Girls or women were never meant to be in the kitchen and they will never be either. Nowadays we think that people halted discrimination against women but that is not the whole story, there is less discrimination in urban areas now but yet it lives and in rural areas still people get sad if a girl child is born and they don't provide for them the formal and essential education. 

2. Lack of appreciation and respect for caregiving:- 

As you all understand that women take care of everything at home, still they are not appreciated and adored for the hard work! Raising children, taking care of them, making them independent, and taking care of their academics. Do you think that it is manageable effortlessly and handily? We must always recognize that women's work is proportional and comparable with men's work, Both need a lot of effort, emphasis, and hard work. 

3. Workplace discrimination:- 

Women are also going through racism and exploitation at the workplace and many other fields which are heartbreaking! 

Equal pay for the same work is a human right but still, this is one of the battles of our country's women, this also leads to monetary dependence and can also increase the risk of deprivation of wealth in later existence or being! 

4. Rape and sexualization:-

This is one of the incredibly important aspects to talk about in today's era, 1 out of every 6 women is either a victim of complete rape or attempt or harassment. Also, Martial rape exists and there should be strict action taken against it. We need to make everyone acknowledge that one should start teaching the guys rather than telling the women or innocent girls how to adorn. We need to repair the mindset of the people around us and not the dress of women or a girl. Media sexualizing women is another problem we need to talk about. On TV we can find many ads and shows sexualizing women. Women are not an object, so let us stop people from objectifying women. 

5. Forced motherhood:-

Motherhood is a choice and not a requirement! Society expects women to give birth to a child, which is so wrong. Pregnancy is one's preference, if the woman is not prepared for it then it simply means that she's not ready for it, fair enough? Society needs to get rid of its belief that a woman will ultimately be a good mother even if motherhood is forced on her. This is just not authentic. Forced motherhood comes with sacrifices that a woman has to make unwillingly whether it is in her schooling, business, or any other aspect of life. Can any individual be happy if they are urged to forfeit the dream of life just to fit into the artificial intentions of the community? No.

Everyone has their own being hence having their problems and hurdles in every phase of life. 

thank you.

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  1. Anonymous1/20/2022

    Equality is must because both are great fighters! Good job!

  2. Good to see you grow, taking up sensitive topic for such a tender age, Bravo
