Is there life beyond the Earth?

By Navistha Vashist - January 11, 2022

Are we the most advanced form of life in the universe? Or there are other far more superior life forms out there? 

Humans are curious about aliens forever whether they exist or they don't, today we will study some possibilities and scenarios that might prove if the aliens exist or not. 

(note: the following data is done as per research)

What does the word 'alien' exactly and mean? 

The word alien is another word for extraterrestrial beings, which means from another planet, not from our Earth. In movies, TV shows, and some books, it has been shown how aliens look like - big and long arms and legs, big bald head, long, green eyes, and green skin. 

Starting, the universe is about 13.8 billion years old this is the best estimation done by the scientist. Our milky way galaxy is just one of the billions of galaxies in the universe. In our milky way galaxy, there is at least one planet orbiting it. It means there're thousands of solar or planetary systems. Scientists believe that every 1 in 3-4 planets is habitable. 

Scientist have looked into space and discovered 24 planets, on which life can exist and the living conditions on them is much better than that of the earth, the scientist give these the name "super habitable planets" these planets are said to be 1.3 times larger and twice as massive and hence having stronger gravity and warmer atmosphere.


In 2020, the title of the most similar planet to earth was given to this super habitable planet. It's 6% larger than our world. Kepler takes 19.5 days for revolution. Climate is similar to that of the earth. 

Scientists who study planets moon satellites in our solar system to find out if they support extraterrestrial life scientist have traced bacteria or other tiny living on Mars:- 

Allan hills 84001 (ALH84001) is a fragment of Martain meteorite that was found in Antarctica on December 27th, 1984, by a team of American meteorite hunters. Some scientists have suggested that physical and chemical features in this meteorite provide evidence for microscopic Fossil life on Mars. 

Do you still think mankind is alone in the universe? 

Not believing in the existence of aliens is like taking of spoonful of water from the ocean and saying that there is no Shark in the ocean because there is none in my spoon. 

Well, we are light years away from the nearest star outside our solar system that is the biggest issue that we cannot reach the aliens yet because we lack the technology and it will take a lot of time for us to have the technology to contact the aliens. 

Thank you. 

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