Which is easier: loving or hating?

By Navistha Vashist - November 05, 2021

 "Hatred paralyzes, love releases it, 

  Hatred confused life, love harmonizes it, 

  Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it" 

                                               -Martin Luther King. Jr.

Hating someone is much easier than loving an individual because it just expects anger, greed and revenge think about it, in a day how many times do you feel angry & revengeful? But loving and adoring requires tolerance, forgiving, and sacrifices. Many times it's just difficult for a person to forgive either due to one's ego or due to circumstance. It's hard to sacrifice for someone because we are too naive, ignorant, and selfish. We don't comprehend the need for time or the significance of others in our lives. 

We feel dissatisfied if someone doesn't act the way we want, why? Because of lots of expectations, Right? Yes, precisely. 

Before, sacrificing, forgiving, or loving someone we think hundreds of times, "should I do this? Is it correct? Would it hurt me?" But do we think before harming someone? Before disobeying someone? No, we don't, because bitterness is much easier. We should recognize this disparity. 

Loving is not always significant other, family, friends and relatives too, anybody! Resentment can also be for anybody. We should learn to forgive and just move on, move on from the sad/bad experiences because we will face a lot further save it this time, thinking that every day is a new beginning! This is where hatred within a person accumulates when we just can't let go of things. If we learn these because it seems like small things but they do matter, matter a lot. 

Every human being goes through a lot of stuff, saddening stuff, sufferings. One should not think that we are the only person who is up with all the burden, unhappiness because we don't know everyone's life and their stories. Judging too fast and having little knowledge is dangerous, isn't it? 

Everyone has their interests and opinions, that's what makes a person different. We can like things while others may not like the same thing. No one wants to accept their mistake and just wants to blame it on others. A person may hate another person when they're being compared to them. When the decision comes that the other is better/ superior, that's when a person may start thinking bad or hating others. People hate others just because they are different and love others just because they are similar. 

When a person is born, that is the purest, loving, and innocent soul in his life but as it grows due to the reflection of our society, teaches it many things, all wrongdoings like to tease someone on their looks, color, caste, race, religion, illness. 

Therefore, hating someone is much easier. We should realize what is wrong and what is right for us. 

Thank you. 

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