Sign that you're having a toxic friendship

By Navistha Vashist - November 18, 2020

 sign of a toxic friendship

We never lose friends, we simply learn who the Real Ones are!

Hey there! Have you ever wondered if you are having a toxic friendship with someone! If you constantly feel that you are depressed and uncomfortable with your friend, a good friend is hard to find, but to find a true friend is more difficult. 

Friends and Social support are especially important during times of crisis and turbulence. If you find yourself going through a hard time, having a friend to help you through can make the transition easier. Your friendships also encourage healthy behaviors that can have a direct impact on your well-being. 

Here are some signs that you are having a toxic friend:- 

1. They Backstab and Gossip about you:-

A Toxic friend while enjoying another person's company, backstab you by saying bad & saddening things about you. Basically, they gossip about you, and while being in front of you pretend to be a true friend by complimenting you, playing with you, and being blissful with you. But on the contrary, there's something fishy going on in their mind. A fake friend backstabs you because they are jealous of you or they are angry at you for some reason. If the friend whom you think is backstabbing you means a lot to you, try talking to him/her about why they are always talking bad about you. Sometimes, friendships are broken because of Misunderstandings. 

NOTE:  They also show their true color when they behave like they hate you, point your weakness, and laugh at it, which makes you feel miserable.

2. They have hurt you many times:-

They have said you disappointing things many times and did many things intentionally that will hurt you. Good/True friends also make mistakes but not every time and more importantly, intentionally by doing or saying sometimes very unexpected. To break up with your fake friend, get yourself ready for ending it completely. In the process of breaking up, have a conversation about ending your friendship. Afterward, work towards having a support group of healthy real friends going forward. 

3. They ignore you:-

When they are with some other people or friend, they completely ignore you, and then they pretend they don't know you. Here are some reason they can ignore you:-

  • Talk about you behind your back.
  • Use you to get close to someone you are close to.
  • Copy your work or use your intelligence.
  • Try to get some sort of information from you.
  • Only talk to you when they need something.

4. They only come when they need help:-

They will only come when they need help. You will probably not find them to talk to you and update you on things. 

  •  “Most people want to see you do better, but not doing better than them.” – London Mond
  •  “Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
  • “Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks.” – Waqar Ahmed

5. They Lie:-

Fake friends do not feel good about who they are so they lie about their accomplishments, their grades, their clothes, their possessions – anything to make themselves look better. And if they lie about themselves, they will lie about your personality too.

It is probably not a healthy friendship. It is hard to trust a liar and trust is essential in a healthy friendship.

6. They are not Trustworthy:-

Good friends will keep one another’s secrets, real friends do not tell others who's you crushing on. If your friends are always telling others, then it is time to acknowledge whether the friend is a bully. Trust is an essential thing in a healthy friendship. If they cannot trust their friends, then they are not true friends.

It's time for you to acknowledge if your friend is fake or true! 

How to cut or end a friendship:-

  • Talk with them: Explain how you feel, and why you think you should not be buddies any longer. Be honest and straightforward, but try and remain as nice as possible. You can start the conversation by: “This is going to be really hard to say, and probably hard to hear.”
  • State the problem and stay calm.
  • Apologize, that you can't stay with your friend. 

Thank you so much for reading! 


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