Time Management Tips

By Navistha Vashist - October 24, 2020

 Time  Management Tips

[PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Time-Managemtent-For-Bloggers-Photoroyalty-shutterstock_504511681-FT.png]

 What is Time Management?

[According to Wikipedia], Time Management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on each or specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
it involves a juggling act of various demands upon a person related to work, social work, family, hobbies, personal interest, and commitment with the finiteness of time.
Time Management is the most rewarding skill that will lead you far in your life, and makes you more precise and perfect!

Why is Time Management Important for us?

Management of Time is considered very important for us and let us make the most of it.
So, let's take a brief look at its advantages,
  1. Higher productivity
  2. Less stress to handle
  3. Work is balanced correctly
  4. Task completed at the right time or before the deadline
  5.  Having a sensation of Happiness and Satisfied 

But what if we don't do time management, would we feel confident, happy, satisfied, and no stress?

The answer is 'NO'. On the contrary, if you are unable to manage your time pretty good then, I'm afraid you have to go through as follows:-
  1. Missed deadline
  2. High Stress
  3. Work is unbalanced
  4. Less productiveness
  5. Neither Happy nor Satisfied with the work

The difference between hard work and smart work is based on how a person approaches his task. 
Hard work would mean spending long hours to complete my work without any shortcuts.
Smart work would be aiming for the same results but with planning and prioritisation of tasks, will help a person more!

What are some Time Management tips to change your life?

  • Stay organized 
  • Prioritize your work
  • Don't be stressed
  • Plan your day out
  • Set your goals
  • Divide your work into small and manageable chunks or tasks
  • Reward yourself after achieving a goal
  • Make a to-do list 
  • Wake up early in the morning
  • Revise in the night and morning so that you can remember it and you needn't memorize it again and again.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique [ 25-5 rule]
  • Use morning for the important tasks
  • Block distractions
  • Don't multitask
  • Find inspiration 
  • Have a night of sound sleep for at least 7-8 hours
  • Track your time 
  • Use the ABCDE technique


Time Management is easy but very important. Every minute is precious, don’t waste it doing something that isn’t adding any value to your life. 

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